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Another fieldwork survey was conducted in late July 2024 by researchers from the NHMC – UoC, as part of the LIFE MareNatura project, this time at the Strofades islets and the islet of Tracheia (Diapontia Islands).

Fieldwork included searching for active nests of Scopoli’s Shearwater (Calonectris diomedea) on the two islands, as well as recording the hatching status in the nests  that had been identified during previous visits. The tasks included recording the hatching status of the eggs in the nests, collecting morphometric characteristics and genetic material from chicks and adult individuals, gathering biotic indicators from the nests, and mounting satellite transmitters on adult individuals—parents. In total, four (4) adult individuals were tagged in the Strofades and two (2) in Tracheia, the colony of which is considered the northernmost in Greece.

The movements of the tagged individuals are being monitored regularly by the researchers, and so far, they have provided interesting data on their journeys across the Mediterranean, foraging grounds, and more.

The nests will be rechecked by the  NHMC – UoC  fieldwork team in September 2024, shortly before the chicks fledge, to fully assess the reproductive success of the Scopoli’s Shearwater colonies on these two islands.


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