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Last week, researchers from UoC- NHMC participated in the 16th International Seabird Group Conference, which was held at the University of Coimbra, Portugal on September 2-6, 2024. The conference was organized by the research group ECOTOP (Ecology and Conservation of Top Predators).

At the conference, the poster titled “The impact of environmental factors on the breeding and foraging ecology of Scopoli’s shearwater (Calonectris diomedea) in Greece” was presented as part of the LIFE MareNatura project.

Specifically, the Final poster Calonectris diomedea LIFE Mare 26-8-2024 (1) focused on the Scopoli’s shearwater, one of the sentinel seabird species of the project, depicting some preliminary telemetry results for the species as well as future actions by the researchers of the project.


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